CranioSacral Therapy
also known as Cranial Sacral Therapy, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Cranio work, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a very gentle therapy that allows the fascia of the body to move in optimal ways. Returning fascia to its optimal movement can relieve many different symptoms. A CranioSacral session can be helpful after any type of trauma to the body.
Fascia is a tissue in the body. For example, when you cook a chicken and pull up the skin, there is a white layer before the meat which is fascia. It is a strong tissue that wraps around all of your muscles, bones, and organs. Your brain sits inside a big water balloon and that water balloon, the meninges, are made of fascia. You have this tissue everywhere in your body. Fascia provides both structure and protection. For structure, fascia helps the body hold its shape. It is said that if you removed all of your bones from your body you would still look like yourself because of the fascia. For protection, the body has a lot of movement allowing the tissue or organs to move freely. If trauma happens in an area the fascia locks up to protect the tissue or organ in that area. The problem can be that sometimes it does not unlock. This locked fascia can cause lack of movement in the tissue or organ around it. This can bring many symptoms and often it is painful.
CranioSacral Therapy came from Cranial Osteopathy. It has evolved in many different ways over the years. William Sutherland, John Upledger, Franklyn Sills, and Hugh Milne have all been a part of this evolution.