Paul Barlow Therapies

 CranioSacral Therapy

also known as Cranial Sacral Therapy, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Cranio work, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a very gentle therapy that allows the fascia of the body to move in optimal ways. Returning fascia to its optimal movement can relieve many different symptoms. A CranioSacral session can be helpful after any type of trauma to the body.

Fascia is a tissue in the body. For example, when you cook a chicken and pull up the skin, there is a white layer before the meat which is fascia. It is a strong tissue that wraps around all of your muscles, bones, and organs. Your brain sits inside a big water balloon and that water balloon, the meninges, are made of fascia. You have this tissue everywhere in your body. Fascia provides both structure and protection. For structure, fascia helps the body hold its shape. It is said that if you removed all of your bones from your body you would still look like yourself because of the fascia. For protection, the body has a lot of movement allowing the tissue or organs to move freely. If trauma happens in an area the fascia locks up to protect the tissue or organ in that area. The problem can be that sometimes it does not unlock. This locked fascia can cause lack of movement in the tissue or organ around it. This can bring many symptoms and often it is painful.

CranioSacral Therapy came from Cranial Osteopathy. It has evolved in many different ways over the years. William Sutherland, John Upledger, Franklyn Sills, and Hugh Milne have all been a part of this evolution.



Polarity Therapy addresses the body as an energy field. Instead of just noticing the tight muscles in your leg, I would address this by looking at how the energy is flowing through the leg. It is a different paradigm of treatment. It allows the body to be seen as a whole as opposed to individual parts. The flow of energy can be addressed in many different ways. A session may involve holding the body, placing my hands on the client in different places so the energy will shift. I may rock the body, trying to match the frequency and movement of the energies of the body. This allows the body to notice and perhaps change how its energy is flowing.

Polarity Therapy is the work of Randolph Stone, a German man living in the US in the early 1920’s and 30’s. His travels to India greatly influenced his work. Polarity Therapy has aspects of Ayerveda, and also Energy Theory and Quantum physics. Polarity has been practiced in a myriad of ways and has become an umbrella for many different types of energy work. There are practitioners that apply these theories to music, sound, dance, movement, percussion, money, business, shamanism… The list is long. Each practitioner will have their own version of treatment.


SomatoEmotional Release Therapy

This work is based in CranioSacral therapy. Over the years therapists noticed that often when the fascia would begin to release the client would tear up, cry or laugh, i.e., some sort of emotion would be expressed at the same time. The theory developed that the emotion was causing the fascia to hold. They also found that if a client started to tell a story about their past, as the story unfolded the fascia would release.

S.E.R. allows for talking and storytelling during the CranioSacral session. The combination of both physical work and listening intently to the client allows for the tissues to move in ways that doing either on its own would not allow.

Even though S.E.R. involves talking, it is not counseling. The talking is a part of the treatment that will allow the tissues of the body to heal. If I believe that the work you are engaged with would best be handled by working with a trained Counselor or Psychologist, I may discontinue the treatment and refer you to an appropriate professional as it would be out of my scope of practice.


 Shamanic Techniques Therapy

The word “shamanism” freaks many people out. It is not as weird as it seems once you have more information about it.

The shamanic world is actually just the energetic world that we live in. It is the energies that effect us which we cannot clearly sense with our five senses.

It is addressed in this therapeutic setting through guided visualization. By changing something in this energetic world it can effect change in your physical reality.

“Soul retrieval” is a term that also freaks many out. Let me explain it. A person has energy that they are born with and carry throughout their life. When a traumatic event happens sometimes a bit of that energy stays at the time and place of the trauma. By using guided visualization we can go back and retrieve that bit of energy and return it to you. This may look like going back to a younger you and taking care of them, especially if you were not properly taken care of during the original trauma. Then you bring that part of you to the present and away from the time and place of the trauma. This makes you energetically more complete. It also gives you a completely different perspective of the original trauma because you are no longer in it.

Many people talk about their “guardian angel,” or how it feels like perhaps a favorite aunt is watching over them even though she has long passed away, or how they can just feel things. In shamanism, this is referred to as “guides.” People mention these not because it is a fantasy but because it is their actual experience. The thought that we are being helped through life is a pretty nice one. In my experience I have been guided many times by unseen beings. Here is a story to demonstrate.

When I was about 6 or 7 my family was out shopping and then we went to pick up my sister at a football game. The game was not over when we arrived, so we stood outside the stadium near our car. All of a sudden my other sister who was with us started screaming at us to get in the car. The game wasn’t over so we didn’t understand but she was adamant so we did it. Even my father got in the car, and he rarely would do anything one of us told him too. As soon as we were in the car the building we were standing next to exploded. If we were still standing where we had been a minute earlier we would have all been injured. Luckily we were all safe. What made my sister do that? She said she just knew. What guided her? There were no physical clues or warnings that the building was going to explode. My sister following her guidance saved my family and made me very aware of the importance of listening on all levels.