Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual coaching is all about offering a different perspective to a person,
possibly giving them new tools to use in their life.
A person who may benefit from spiritual coaching is someone who has had spiritual experiences in their life that allow them to see the world in different way, not of the cultural norm. By taking this spirituality perspective and looking at your life or a project you are working on through the spiritual perspective you may find a new path.
Being an energy worker most of my spiritual coaching has to do with energy flow. How does energy flow in general and what is inhibiting that flow in your life or project. Where is your energy leaking? I also bring in aspects of shamanism, again mostly related to energy flow. Where in your life have you lost some of your energy and how do you retrieve it.
Religious beliefs are all a part of spirituality but they often limit your perspective. By starting with the religious beliefs and moving forward clients can gain an individual perspective that works for them.
Spiritual coaching is a conversation and can be done in person or on line, both are equally effective. How much coaching you may need will depend on what each individual client is working on or through. One session may be enough or many sessions may be needed. I will talk to you about what I feel is best but you get to make the final decision.
I offer these sessions at a rate of $90 for a 1.5 hour session.