Paul Barlow Therapies

Maternity CranioSacral

During pregnancy you shift and change in so many ways it is impossible to know all of them. Birth is a natural experience, which your body is meant to do. It is best however if you can remain calm. Fear and lack of information can cause many complications during pregnancy and birth. Preparing for the birth on all levels is important and can greatly ease the process.

What I offer is the part of birth preparation that deals with emotions and the spiritual aspect of the birth process. I have extensive experience working in conjunction with midwives and doulas who support the other parts of birth preparation. Using guided visualization along with CranioSacral work you can prepare for birth on all levels.

I have also found that this work can be very helpful to turn a baby and to induce labor, if the reasons for these being late are emotional or spiritual.

After the birth, a CranioSacral treatment can relieve a number of symptoms including those of postpartem depression.

The maternity work began when Midwife Jenny West had my work and added a session with me to her birth package for expecting mothers. She found that a birth would go much smoother if the mother had been prepared with guided visualization work and CranioSacral therapy. I then got to work on many of the babies.


Pediatric CranioSacral

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Children of all ages can benefit from CranioSacral therapy. I have worked on all age ranges from new-borns to teenagers.

For the baby, Pediatric CranioSacral can be helpful for nursing issues, colic and for what I call positional difficulties, such as the baby’s head is turned or one limb sits higher than the other. It is also a helpful tune-up. It is said that a person’s first CranioSacral treatment is birth. If a baby was born by C-section or the birth was traumatic in other ways, a CranioSacral treatment can be very beneficial to calm the baby’s body and release the trauma.

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For the toddler, Pediatric CranioSacral can be helpful with balance issues, tantrums, food sensitivities, growing pains and many other issues.

For preteens and teens a treatment is important if they have had any injuries, especially head trauma, falls, or have been involved in an accident.

I have had the pleasure of doing pediatric and maternity CranioSacral work for over 15 years.